Flood relief

The government has published an update of the various grants and support available to individuals and businesses affected by flooding in recent months. The announcement is reproduced below:

Government support for homes, businesses, farmers and councils

In total the government’s investment in recovery from Storm Eva and Storm Desmond now amounts to nearly £200 million.

Households and businesses

The Floodline Service on 0345 988 1188 helps people affected by the recent floods. Before calling, please read our guidance for households and businesses or farmers.

We are:

  • helping the people directly affected by the floods – providing local authorities with over £500 for each household affected; for example, to help with temporary accommodation costs whilst we work to get people back into their homes
  • support people as they protect their homes against future floods by providing grants of up to £5000, so they can install new flood barriers, replace doors and windows with water resistant alternatives, or move electricity sockets up to a safer level
  • ensuring flood affected businesses that have had their trading disrupted can get back on their feet, with funding equivalent to £2,500 provided to local authorities for each business affected
  • ensuring that flood affected communities will not face Council Tax or business rates bills for their homes and businesses for as long as they are out of their properties


Farmers affected by the recent flooding in Cumbria, Northumberland, Lancashire, Yorkshire and Durham can get grants worth up to £20,000 to help restore damaged agricultural land under the Farming Recovery Fund. Farmers experiencing difficulties getting online can call the Rural Payments helpline on 03000 200 301.

The Rural Payments Agency has published guidance about farm inspections, animal movements, TB testing, impacts on Basic Payment Scheme eligibility, and other Cross Compliance requirements.

The NFU has produced a newsletter for members affected by the flooding in the North East and North West. It contains information on where advice and funding is available to help with the recovery operation.

Roads, transport and flood defences

We have announced that we will provide £40 million of funding to help repair flood-damaged roads and bridges in Cumbria and Lancashire. We have also announced £3.3 million for Tadcaster bridges and £5.5 million to repair Elland Bridge in Calderdale.

We’re providing an additional £10 million so that the Environment Agency can repair flood defences that were damaged by Storm Desmond and we have announced a package of more than £40 million to rebuild and improve flood defences in the aftermath of Storm Eva. Of this, £10 million will be reserved to improve the Foss Barrier protecting York, which was overwhelmed at the height of Storm Eva. The other £30 million will be spent repairing defences on the Wharfe, Calder, Aire, Ouse and Derwent. It will include repairs to pumping and barriers and clearing blockages in rivers.


The Prime Minister announced, on 28 January 2016, a support package to boost tourism across flood-hit north.


The government will support charities helping those caught up in each of the two recent storms by matching every pound of the first £2 million raised in each case. Applications for Storm Desmond or Storm Eva can be made by any registered charities currently running a fundraising appeal for flood relief to benefit each of the affected areas. The deadline for applications is 5 February 2016.

Sports facilities

Sport England has an emergency flood relief fund now amounting to £400,000 to help people repair sports pitches and facilities destroyed by this winter’s unprecedented rainfall. This will help clubs, local authorities and other community sports organisations in affected areas to help pay for emergency repairs to damaged facilities such as rugby and cricket pitches, water sports centres, pavilions, changing rooms and floodlights.


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